Around Mogok Town

Mogok lies in the Shan State approximately one hundred and twenty five miles north east of Mandalay. The journey by road is at least six hours but there are many places to stop on the way which can easily add a couple more hours. Approximately seventy five miles north of Mandalay is  the Hpawdaw - Thabeikkyin junction. The road to Mogok bears right at the junction and from there  up into the mountains. The road is still single track with the original bridges dating back to colonial times. Local ledged says there are 999 bends in the road from the Hpawdaw - Thabeikkyin junction to Mogok.

Rubyland, Mogok, Myanmar (Burma)

The Mogok region is spread between the three adjoining valleys of Mogok, Kathe & Kyatpyin. The town of Mogok is slightly over 3600 feet above sea level.


The morning mist over the Mogok valley






Each morning at sunrise there is a mist over the Mogok valley.








A welcome sign on a bend in the road as you descend into town.

 Welcome to Mogok


The lake in the centre of Mogok





In the centre of Mogok town is a large lake. The lake is a man-made remnant of past mining activity during the early nineteenth century.








It is said the finest rubies ever recovered in Mogok were found in this area.

The lake in the centre of Mogok


School in Mogok






Passing by one of the schools in Mogok town.







Looking over Mogok town from the Chan Tar Gyi Pagoda.

The view over Mogok


Dried fish and shrimps in the Mogok food market







Dried fish & shrimps in the food market.








Roots, herbs, beans, spices & potions.

Roots, herbs, beans, spices & potions


Teak house at Bawpadan village, Mogok



A teak house at Bawpadan village, slightly to the west of Mogok town. Note the marble boulders stacked up outside the house. These marble boulders have been recovered from local ruby mining operations. These boulders will be split to see if there are rubies inside.






Teak houses in Mogok town. This is a common style of house in Mogok. Teak and bamboo are commonly used throughout the Mogok region.

Teak houses in Mogok



