There are reported to be over 1000 gem mining operations in Mogok, some legal and some illegal. The legal operations work in partnership with the local authorities, whilst the illegal operations are clandestine. There are some large scale joint ventures between the authorities and Chinese companies.
People have been mining for gems in Mogok for many hundreds of years. The Mogok Stone Tract has produced many of the world's finest coloured gems. Despite the reports in the Western media, I found no evidence of mistreatment, no slave labour, no forced drug taking/addiction or any of the other tales pedalled in the western press. There are approximately half a million people living in Mogok and virtually every person I came across is involved in the gem trade in one way or another. Many of the individuals and small enterprises make their living from dealing in Mogok's gems.
A majority of the people working at the mines are from the villages which surround Mogok.