The Sapphire Mines at Bo Ploi, Kanchanaburi

Sapphire Mines at Bo Ploi

On the road to Bo Ploi.




The sapphire mines at Bo Ploi

Nothing gets wasted. The by-product rocks from sapphire mining.





Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

A water pump to feed the jigs with water for washing the gem baring gravel.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

A giant pulsating jig for washing the gem baring gravel.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Gem baring gravel is tipped in and washed here with high pressure hoses.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Ancient dead trees dug up in the sapphire mines.



Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Locals believe the trees have spirits which will being them luck.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

More ancient trees being worshiped.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

The washed gravel comes through on a conveyor belt where
the sapphire crystals are picked out by hand.




Sapphire Mines at Bo Ploi

The workers hand picking out the sapphire crystals. The black
stones are black spinel crystals or nin in Thai.




Sapphire Mines at Bo Ploi

The sealed pots used for collecting the sapphire crystals.




Sapphire Mines at Bo Ploi

Prodding the feeder to prevent blockages.




Sapphire mines at Bo Ploi

The conveyor belt.




Sapphire mines at Bo Ploi

A sapphire crystal picked off the belt.




Sapphire mines at Bo Ploi

The machines used to sort the gravel by size.




Sapphire mines at Bo Ploi

Rough untreated sapphire crystals in yellow, blue and green colours.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Grinding the sapphires.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Pre-forming the sapphires before doping.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Polishing two cabochon sapphires at once.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Sanded sapphires on dop sticks waiting for final polish.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

The final polish.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

The mine owner examining sapphire crystals.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Polished cabochon sapphires.




Sapphire mining at Bo Ploi

Polished cabochon sapphires.












