

A journey around the legendary gem mines at Mogok.

Bo Bai

River mining in Bo Rai, Trat Province, Thailand

Bo Rai was once a major source for rubies. Many fine rubies have been found here.


Demantoid Garnets

Demantoids are very rare and highly prized gem by collectors and connoisseurs the world over.

Bang Kacha

Bang Kacha Sapphire

Bang Kacha is the source of many fine green & orange sapphires, amongst other gems.


Sapphire mining in Pailin, Cambodia

Ruby and sapphire mines at Pailin in Cambodia.

Inside Rubies & Sapphires

Inside Rubies & Sapphires

Under a microscope, inclusions are a work of art produced by nature.

Lead-Glass Heat Treatment

Lead-Glass Heat Treatment of Rubies

The treatment process involves heating the stones in the presence of lead and silicon oxides.

Apsara - Rubies & Sapphires

Dealers of fine quality rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems.

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100 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8NX


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