Mogok is populated by a diverse collection of ethnic groups, many of whom migrated to Mogok during the British colonial times. Many labours were bought in by the British and others have arrived by their own accord to seek their fortune. In Mogok you will find Burmese, Shan, Chinese-Shan, Chinese, Lisu, Palaungs, Muslims, Sikhs, Nepalese-Gurkhas plus many others.

A young family at Bawpadan.

Grandfather & granddaughter at Bernardmyo.

Mining family at the peridot mines, Pyaung Gaung.

The corner shop at Bernardmyo.

A vendor at the vegetable market in Mogok.

Ruby dealer at the Pan Ma Gem Market, Kyatpyin.

The mine manager at the peridot mines, Pyaung Gaung.

Mining family at the peridot mines, Pyaung Gaung.

A dealer arrives at the Pan Ma Gem Market with her daughter.

A young boy at tasting chocolate for the first time in his life.

A gem dealer with her baby at the Pan Ma Gem Market, Kyatpyin.

Drinking tea at Bernardmyo.

Eating delicious Shan noodles at a café in Bernardmyo.