Unheated Ruby Inclusions

Inclusions found in unheated / untreated rubies...

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Distorted calcite guest crystal with 'treacle' colour swirls in unheated Mogok Ruby. Calcite is a common inclusion in Mogok rubies and treacle is a unique inclusion to these rubies.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Clusters of apatite guest crystals in unheated Mogok Ruby.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Un-dissolved rutile 'silk' in unheated Mogok Ruby. This inclusion is evidence the ruby has not undergone high temperature heat-treatment.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Apatite and calcite guest crystals reflecting on the internal facets of an unheated Mogok Ruby.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

A cluster of apatite guest crystals in an unheated Mogok Ruby.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Guest crystals in unheated Mogok Ruby.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Treacle colour swirls in unheated Mogok Ruby, an inclusion unique to Mogok rubies.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Calcite guest crystals with treacle colour swirls in unheated Mogok Ruby.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Calcite guest crystals with treacle colour swirls in unheated Mogok Ruby.

Inclusions in unheated / untreated ruby

Calcite guest crystal in unheated Mogok Ruby.

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