Gem Inclusions

Read about how inclusions appear when gems are photographed ...

Virtually every gemstone ever found will have inclusions of some description in the gemstones. We use these inclusions to help identify them. Inclusions are also very useful in giving clues to the gem's origin and treatment status. Rarely there are gems which are completely free of inclusions or 'flawless'.

At Apsara we generally avoid completely flawless gems as it can make identification of the gem, treatments or origin extremely difficult. Some inclusions in certain gemstones can be very common. For example, many blue sapphires will have some form of colour zoning or banding in them. These inclusions are sometimes hidden from view but the skill of the lapidary. Other times they may be visible.

When gemstones are photographed, particularly on a white background, inclusions can appear more pronounced and visible. When the same stone is viewed with the naked eye, these inclusions often appear much fainter or not visible at all.

For complete satisfaction, we encourage clients to view our stones 'in person' to appreciate the gem's true beauty before making any decisions.

You can read about inclusions here...

View examples of gem inclusions here...

Apsara - Rubies & Sapphires

Dealers of fine quality rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems.

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