Gem Treatments Policy

Read our Gem Treatments policy here...

The treatment of gems by artificial means is considered common trade practice, which can improve the appearance of the colour and/or clarity of a gem. To the best of our knowledge the description of all goods sold by us conforms with C.I.B.J.O. blue book rules. C.I.B.J.O blue books are available for viewing at Our opinion of a gem’s geographical origin is based on the evidence presented to us. Please contact us if you would like further information regarding gem treatments.

On our Appro notes & Invoices, we disclose gem treatments as below:

  • No Evidence of Heat Treatment - [NEHT]
  • Standard Heat Treatment - [H]
  • Heated with external colouring agents - Titanium Diffusion [H-D-Ti] Beryllium Diffusion [H-D-Be]

We do not sell glass-filled gems.

We do not sell synthetic, man-made ('lab-grown') gems.

An independent gem lab report can be arranged upon request.

Apsara - Rubies & Sapphires

Dealers of fine quality rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems.

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0207 404 4022
0800 970 6900


100 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8NX


07879 691921

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