The Sapphire Mines At Bo Ploi, Kanchanaburi

Bo Ploi was once the biggest source for commercial quality blue sapphires...

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

On the road to Bo Ploi.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Nothing wasted! By-product rocks for sale.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

The water pump to feed the jigs used to wash the gem gravel.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

A combination of pulsating jigs used to was the gravel.

Washing the soil in a rotating drum.

The loading trough for the gravel

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Ancient trees dug up are believed to have spirits, which is believed will bring the miners luck!

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

The washed gravel comes through on a conveyor belt, where sapphire crystals are picked out by hand.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Workers picking out the sapphire crystals.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

The sealed pots used for collecting the sapphire crystals.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Prodding the feeder to prevent blockages.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

The conveyor belt.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

A sapphire crystal.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Machines used to sort the sapphire crystals by size.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Sapphire crystals in yellow, green & blue colours.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Grinding the sapphires.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Pre-forming the sapphires before doping.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Using both hands to pre-polish sapphire cabs.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Pre-polished sapphires on dop sticks.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

The final polish.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

The mine owner inspecting sapphire crystals.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Polished cabochon sapphires.

Sapphire Mining at Bang Kacha, Chanthaburi

Polished cabochon sapphires.

Apsara - Rubies & Sapphires

Dealers of fine quality rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems.

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