Heat Treatment of Rubies & Sapphires

Gas furnaces used for heating blue sapphires

Gas furnaces used for heating blue sapphires

Crucibles used to place the sapphires in for the heat-treatment process

Crucibles used to place the sapphires in for the heat-treatment process

An electric oven for heating rubies

An electric oven for heating rubies

The Heat Treatment of Rubies & Sapphires

People have been heat treating of rubies and sapphires for hundreds of years. In the 1970's technology improved with ovens being developed which could heat gems to very high temperatures and under controlled conditions. This bought about big changes in the gem industry. Previously unusable types of rubies & sapphires were transformed by heat treatment into beautiful sparkling gems. As the years moved on, so did the technology. Treaters began experimenting with additives, discovering that colours could be completely modified by diffusing chemicals into the ruby and sapphire crystals. These treatments had a huge effect on the market and treatment disclosure became an imperative part of gem trading.

The heat treatment of rubies and sapphires is a very complex science. The process requires great knowledge and skill, as mistakes can be costly. There is no guarantee you will improve your gems by heating them. When a ruby or a sapphire is heated to high temperatures, changes will take place in the crystal structure and inclusions will melt within the stone. This can affect both the colour and clarity of the stone. The owner of the stone will be hoping for an improvement in both colour and clarity. These treatments are mostly stable and generally irreversible.

In the gem trade today, with proper disclosure the heat treatment of rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems, is a generally accepted practice. If stones have been heat treated with additives like beryllium or lead-glass fillers, then this should be disclosed separately.

The value of fine quality unheated rubies and sapphires can be significantly higher than an equivalent heated counterpart. These gems require an experienced eye to separate. Stones can also be examined by an independent gem lab for a lab report showing identification and opinions of treatment and origin.

Please contact us if you would like to know more about gem treatments.

Apsara - Rubies & Sapphires

Dealers of fine quality rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems.

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