Synthetic Rubies & Sapphires

Inclusions found in man-made synthetic ('lab-grown') rubies & sapphires...

Inclusions in synthetic sapphire

Viewed from the back, the curved colour banding clearly visible in this flame fusion synthetic star sapphire.

Inclusions in synthetic sapphire

The same stone viewed from the front, with the curved colour banding more difficult to see.

Inclusions in synthetic ruby

This is the rear view of a flame fusion synthetic ruby, which has been heated and then quenched in liquid to produce inclusions which mimic fingerprint and feather inclusions found in natural rubies.

Inclusions in synthetic ruby

This shot through table clearly shows the web-like appearance of the liquid inclusions in this quench-cracked flame fusion synthetic ruby.

Inclusions in synthetic ruby

Another shot through the table showing the liquid inclusions in this quench-cracked flame fusion synthetic ruby. Inclusions similar to these are common in quench-cracked flame fusion synthetic rubies.

Inclusions in synthetic ruby

Curved striae clearly visible in this flame fusion synthetic ruby.

Inclusions in synthetic sapphire

Curved colour banding clearly visible in this flame fusion synthetic star sapphire.

Inclusions in synthetic sapphire

Gas bubbles, like those to the left, are another diagnostic inclusion in flame fusion synthetic sapphires and rubies.

Apsara - Rubies & Sapphires

Dealers of fine quality rubies, sapphires and other coloured gems.

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